Tip No 3 of 7. Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail
I want to help all my followers, subscribers and clients to plan, plan, plan.
The more specific you can be, the more calm and focused you will be.
Tip number 3 is about working backwards from the ring and making sure you have a clear and organised plan in relation to what is needed and where everything is.
To help you do that I created a journal.
Each page has 5 sections
Vet | Feed | Farrer | Tack | Exercise
I believe there are 5 areas which every show jumper can improve in terms of organisation
From working with so many show jumpers at all levels, you would be amazed at how many times a small disorganised element before the show frustrated the rider which when all was said and done, they felt it had annoyed them more than they perceived at the time.
These small frustrating distractions before shows need to be avoidedYou can never arrive at a show not having everything in its correct place and every step planned
9 times out of 10, this disorganisation occurred days before the show
Tip 3.1 – The Vet
It is important you sit down with your vet at the start of the year and plan and discuss your upcoming shows.
You must discuss dosages, vaccinations, what shows you hope to go to and working closely with your vet writing down a clear plan.Stay with your vet and make sure he / she gives a thorough check of your animal.
Every detail the vet mentions (treatments or help) – make note of it so you can always refer back
Treatments that vets provide can sometimes offer great help to your animal but you won’t know until looking back through your notes, so make them detailed.